Vitamins in Cases of Autism
Autism spectrum disorder is a disease that requires a comprehensive approach to symptom correction. Along with various developmental techniques, medications against autism are prescribed. The main group of them are vitamin and mineral complexes. Unfortunately, scientists do not have a definite answer on how to cure autism. However, many new technologies are being tested today, one of which is described below within the framework of vitamin therapy.
The top 8 vitamins and minerals used for autism treatment are:
- Omega-3 is a very important polyunsaturated acid that helps to develop the child’s fine motor skills and ensures fast and uninterrupted transmission of impulses along the nerve fibres. Fish oil also supports the functionality of all body cells in autism.
- Lecithin is an important element of the nervous system and the brain. It is responsible for all metabolic processes in the body, reduces inflammatory processes, participates in the transmission of nerve signals, is a structural part of nerve fibres, and facilitates intellectual development.
- Vitamin A supports healthy skin, strengthens the immune system, and ensures healthy hair and reproductive organs.
- Vitamin B12 supports the synchronisation of brain and neuronal activity and ensures sharp attention.
- Vitamin D3 is essential for the absorption of calcium and magnesium and for the reconstruction of myelinated nerve fibres.
- Calcium and magnesium are required for nerve conductivity. They relieve pain, spasms, and have calming effects.
- Selenium supports good mood, brain function, and thyroid hormone synthesis.
- Zinc removes heavy metals from the body, supports the production of the dopamine and norepinephrine hormones, and creates motivation for various actions.
It is worth understanding that the digestive system of an autistic child may be unable to recognise and absorb vitamins and trace nutrients. Therefore, they are necessary in the daily diet. But even the most balanced diet cannot contain all the necessary vitamins for autistic children. Supplementation is an opportunity to maintain the child’s well-being.
The concepts of autism and vitamins have always been closely and inseparably connected. Unfortunately, vitamin complexes alone cannot cure autism spectrum disorder. Although vitamin therapy plays quite an important role throughout the treatment process, it is possible to undergo a new procedure for the correction of a child’s autism with stem cells.
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre in Georgia is one of the best health care institutions in Europe in terms of treatment quality and the price of diagnostic and therapeutic services.
The centre provides effective stem cell treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder. This procedure is relatively new, and it is impossible to undergo at a clinic near the patient’s place of residence. But Georgia has all the necessary conditions for it:
- A loyal legislative base in the country
- A convenient transport location
- Qualified doctors
- The clinic’s own cryobank
- Modern medical equipment
- Adequate prices
In the very near future, your child can begin a new, healthy life—just undergo cellular treatment for autism in children.
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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