Osteopathy for autism — a method that corrects the relationship between the brain and the body
The reason for the development of autism spectrum disorder, from the point of view of scientific osteopathy, is abnormal compression of the sphenoid and occipital bones at the point of their contact. The skull becomes less mobile during inhalation, and the brain is poorly supplied with oxygen.
This compression can be detected and eliminated with the help of osteopathic therapy. But the causes of ASD have not been fully studied, and if autism occurs due to genetic abnormalities, then osteopathy will only make the patient feel better, improving their breathing and normalizing the condition of the skull bones without curing them.
Some experts argue that early diagnosis of autism makes it possible to correct mental and physical development and improve behaviour because a child’s brain is a highly malleable and ductile organ.
Therapeutic effects of osteopathy:
- Brain. The treatment process develops skills that were previously functionally impaired, restores brain areas with abnormal cellular structure, and accelerates metabolic processes in the skull.
- Everyday social skills. After the treatment, a child easily establishes social connections, communicates with relatives, makes friends in kindergarten and school, and adapts to a new environment. They also become interested in games and everything around them.
- Intelligence. Academic performance improves after a course of osteopathic therapy. A child becomes more courageous in self-expression, able to develop existing talents and abilities.
It has also been noticed that the intensity of stereotypical behaviour is reduced; it can be corrected and restrained. This technique in traditional medicine is well studied and practised by many doctors.
Practical experience in the use of osteopathic treatment and scientific research in this area
A striking example of scientific research is the work conducted by Andy Aruwald on osteopathy as a treatment for autism. Using the example of his patients, he analysed the principle of osteopathic therapy’s effect on their condition and described his thoughts in a scientific report.
The result of the work was the conclusion that osteopathy for an autistic child is effective and can lead to stable, constant improvement of well-being. The therapeutic effect extends to the physiological, psycho-emotional, and social states of the patient.
A more effective alternative to osteopathy is cell therapy, which you can undergo at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre.
This is a radically new method for childhood autism correction that not only fights the manifestations of pathology but also eliminates its cause, i.e., abnormalities in the brain’s structure.
Advantages of treating children’s autism with stem cell transplantation in Georgia:
- It eliminates pathological cells in the brain and replaces them with healthy ones.
- The method is completely safe and effective.
- Experienced doctors who are ideally proficient in the technology of transplanting patients’ own stem cells and have worked with children.
- There are all the necessary conditions for the treatment of a child’s autism spectrum disorder in a comfortable environment.
More details about this procedure can be found on the clinic’s website. Fill out the feedback form for a free consultation and to make an appointment with a doctor.
Get quality treatment as soon as possible – give your child a chance to lead a healthy and socially active lifestyle!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
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