Occupational autism therapy: potential and flaws
Occupational therapy for autism is a branch in traditional medical science, based on treatment by “activity”. The expansion of autonomy and independence of a patient by performing everyday tasks is the aim of such therapy. Prescribed lessons stimulate the fine motor skill of the wrist and bodily motion. As result, children learn to care about themselves, and develop abstract and logical thinking.
Occupational autism therapy may include exercises with the following list of devices and medical equipment:
- Step simulator — This equipment is designed to train arms and legs to treat various pathological conditions, including autism. It is effective even for people with serious conditions such as injured limbs, cerebral palsy, and neurological dysfunctions.
- Wall panel for ergotherapy — This device is designed to develop the finger movements that are necessary in everyday life — for undoing buttons, zippers, unpacking boxes, opening a lock with a key, using scissors, etc.
- Multifunctional equipment — This activates the coordination and awareness of body movements in space (proprioception). It is useful for stimulation of logical and abstract thinking, and teaches children to ‘feel’ where their bodies are. It improves movement coordination.
- An exercise device called a “spiral” is used to develop muscle strength, improve mobility of the upper and lower limbs and joints, and also help improve overall coordination and consistency of body movements.
- Three-dimensional simulator — This device helps recovery from various injuries and develops various motor skills, especially of the upper limbs.
- A pedal exerciser is recommended in cases of inhibited reaction of the lower extremities to strengthen and develop muscles, and is an excellent pace keeper.
- An electrograph is a device used to enhance fine motor skills, which improves movement, coordination, and writing skills. It also helps to develop a sense of location or body position in space.
This list of training simulators is far from complete. However, their purpose is similar. Regular training of body muscles is efficient, but not effective in obtaining the therapeutic results desired by parents.
Georgian Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is a clinic where you can get more effective treatment of autism than at your place of residence.
Cell therapy is an innovative treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder
More traditional methods such as occupational therapy do not have a direct therapeutic effect on the brain; they may treat the symptoms, but not the actual cause. Of course, occupational therapy helps to improve bodily coordination, but it does not resolve the very cause of the issue.
The correction of childhood autism with stem cells is used as an alternative to non-invasive treatment of the pathological development of the brain. Transplantation of stem cells helps to deliver restorative elements to the affected cells. These elements, to a certain extent, correct genetic errors, contributing to the maximum possible restoration of the patient’s health, and enhancing the effects of more conservative, traditional methods.
Find out more about the advanced options for children’s autism treatment with cell therapy and get a free consultation from a specialist at the centre.
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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