Laser Therapy
Laser treatment for autism is a procedure aimed at affecting specific points on the child’s body to correct ASD. Low-intensity laser radiation is capable of stimulating the processes of psycho-speech development in a child. During the procedure, the laser beam has a therapeutic effect by activating the reflex functions of the brain, acting as a biological stimulant.
Laser therapy for ASD has the following advantages:
- Aseptic safety
- Low invasiveness
- Absence of painful sensations
- Possibility of local and systemic application
- No allergic or side effects
Laser therapy for autism uses modern equipment for generating low-intensity laser radiation. When the therapeutic zone is locally heated by the beam, a series of photobiological reactions occur. These reactions trigger important compensatory and adaptive responses in the body, which in autistic individuals often do not occur correctly.
Laser therapy for autistic children activates cellular metabolism, improves cell functionality, provides anti-inflammatory effects, accelerates blood circulation in tissues, enhances oxygen exchange, cleanses the blood of cholesterol, increases appetite, and helps normalize the functioning of various organs and systems in the body.
Laser therapy for ASD allows the body to independently restore systemic balance, disrupted by pathological processes. As a result of laser radiation, the functioning of five key systems is improved:
- Endocrine
- Nervous
- Psycho-emotional
- Immune
- Vascular
Depending on the current state of the body, the therapist adjusts the radiation dosage to positively influence the body, suppressing or accelerating metabolic processes. This helps normalize the proper regulation and interaction of all body systems.
“Cons” and Effectiveness of the Procedure
The main disadvantage of the method is the wide range of contraindications. Not all children are suitable candidates for this method of correcting childhood autism. Laser therapy for autism only helps alleviate some manifestations of the disorder, but it does not cure it. As for effectiveness, it is individual for each patient. Statistically, its therapeutic effect does not exceed that of other conservative methods for correcting ASD, but the cost of laser therapy is always higher.
Cellular Treatment of Autism in Children is one of the best procedures with high effectiveness.
The main advantage of stem cell transplantation is the lack of many contraindications. It is suitable for almost all patients and does not cause complications. Since cellular therapy positively impacts the structure of the brain, many doctors consider it a truly therapeutic method. It is a highly precise, complex treatment, available only in certain clinics. And its cost is justified by the therapeutic effect.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Center in Georgia is rightfully considered the best institution for undergoing stem cell transplantation. Here, you will find qualified specialists and effective treatment that will serve as a starting point for the child’s successful development and healthy future.
Come to Georgia for autism spectrum disorder treatment for your child – make the most significant impact on ASD!
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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