Exercise Equipment for Autists
Autistic children develop differently than their peers without special needs. Therefore, toys for autistic people should be particular, adjusted precisely for their peculiarities of perception of the surrounding reality. For this purpose, various simulators are used to effectively develop their abilities and vital skills.
Simulators for autism can be divided into two broad categories:
- Professional equipment for autists, used in development centres for children with special needs
- Home education sensory toys for autists and some mobile exercise equipment that can be purchased for independent use
Simulators are especially important for autistic children because their sensory perception has a specific development — with the help of their senses, they can only analyse information in fragments without drawing a complete picture. Toys help them touch objects in a way that is comfortable for them, but they are also able to develop the ability to process information fully.
The most popular exercise equipment for children with ASD:
- Simulator “Tender hugs”
- Chewing toys
- Sensory toys
- Interactive headphones
- Writing simulators
- Communicator
- Sensory bag
- Educational toys
- Trainer “Lokomat”
- Trainer “Bicycle”
- Trainer “Horse”
- Dry pool, etc.
The benefits of different types of exercise equipment for autistic children:
Imagination, logic, and thinking
This type of toy is designed to develop attention. Among such simulators are drawing sets, cards, puzzles, etc.
Motor coordination and fine motor skills
Examples include kits for creating paintings from sand, stones to play with, chewing toys for autists, sensory hammocks or bags, and finger puppets.
Emotional development
This benefit is necessary for the formation of hearing, including musical notes, the ability to distinguish colours, and understanding people’s emotions.
Exploration of the outward world
Exploration can be carried out through the formation of correct behaviour in society. For this purpose, tactile-sensory sets, sensory books, and sets of objects are used.
Spatial perception
This is sports equipment that also helps to develop coordination of movements: geometric figures, balancing hemispheres, puzzles, 3D puzzles, etc.
Results of using simulators for the treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder
According to the observations of specialists, in the process of using specialised equipment, autistic children noticeably less often demonstrate symptoms of the disease. Regular practice also improves the effectiveness of other methods. But the effect of simulators can be greatly enhanced by the procedure of stem cell transplantation.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is the best clinic for undergoing cell therapy to eliminate the cause of ASD — pathological changes in the brain.
Today, there is no more effective treatment for childhood autism than correction with stem cells entering the brain affected by autism. The ability of basal stem cells to replace cells damaged by disease explains the high effectiveness of the procedure. This will give a child an excellent opportunity to fully develop and lead a socially active life in the future.
Decide to correct childhood autism in Georgia — cell therapy will greatly help your child overcome the disease!
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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