At What Age Can a Child be Diagnosed with Autism?
Autism is a developmental disorder of the communicative, mental and social spheres. As a general rule, its pathology is detected at preschool age; but early symptoms of autism can be seen even at the ages of 2-3 years. ASD manifests itself in restricted and stereotypical behaviours. While the disorder is not completely treatable now, it is possible to correct a child’s behaviour and teach them how to adapt to their life. It is very important to combine classical therapy with innovative methods for the best chance of maximum recovery.
How can you identify autism at an early age, and at what age it is possible?
The best time tp diagnose autism is from 2 1/2 to 3 years old. Characteristic signs can be noticed earlier, but they may be unreliable. Carefully observing a child’s behaviour is sufficient to make a preliminary diagnosis.
Early-age signs of autism:
- Violations of social forms of interaction and communication skills;
- Limited interests and/or stereotypical activities.
Early childhood autism symptoms in the communicative and social spheres are shown in deficits of:
- Mutuality — ignoring communication, lack of emotion;
- Nonverbality — absence of eye contact, unusual facial expressions and/or gestures;
- Relationships — difficulty in building interpersonal connections.
Early signs of autism, indicating limited or repetitive behaviour:
- Stereotypical actions or movements, inadequate use of speech patterns or objects;
- Unquestioning adherence to rituals, patterns or rules; painful reaction to changes in the usual daily routine; inability or difficulty to switch attention;
- Specific inclinations or limited interests;
- Disorder of sensory skills, inability to obtain information about the outside world using tactile sensations.
Remember that your suspicions are not the final verdict. A detailed analysis of the child’s condition by various specialists is required to confirm the diagnosis. It is also important to remember that the signs of autism may be different for boys and girls.
What do you do if autism is confirmed by a child’s external signs and behaviour?
First, don’t give up. Thanks to modern developments in medicine, effective corrective treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder is possible. The sooner you contact a specialist, the better you can ensure a more positive therapeutic result. An even better way is to undergo the innovative procedure of cell transplantation in Georgia.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is one of the best clinics in the world specialising in the treatment of ASD with stem cells.
At this medical institution, your child will be able to undergo a course of therapy with results superior to other autism treatments that use traditional medicine. Cellular treatment of childhood autism is in demand and recommended by experienced doctors. The secret of its high effectiveness lies in the ability of stem cells to restore the correct structure of the brain, eliminating both the cause and symptoms of the disorder and halting its progression.
Consultation appointments are available online — schedule one now for maximally effective treatment!
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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Feedback from Abibe, Selim’s mother (7 years old) Read More