Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Vaccinating a Child with Autism


In the overwhelming majority of cases, the age at which a child is diagnosed with ASD coincides to some extent with the vaccination schedules according to the WHO calendar. As a result, many parents see a direct connection between their child’s condition and vaccinations, even though this is neither a cause nor an effect. Scientific research confirms that autism is a congenital disorder related to genetic changes and cannot be caused by external factors like vaccination. To support this, scientists from Denmark conducted a 10-year study, examining data from 657,461 individuals with autism.

Myths About Vaccination – Where Do the Rumors Come From?

Opponents of vaccination cite the work of Andrew Wakefield. The myth about the link between vaccinations and autism arose after his 1998 study. He investigated 12 children with autism and claimed that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine might be a cause of autism. This study was published in The Lancet, where Wakefield argued that vaccination causes signs of autism within a month after the shot. The media quickly spread this information, leading to widespread fear among parents and refusals to vaccinate.

Later, the global medical community exposed Wakefield’s study as data falsification and a breach of ethical standards. In 2010, the British Medical Council revoked his medical license, and the article was retracted from The Lancet.

Another myth about the connection between autism and vaccination arose after it became known that the MMR vaccine contains thimerosal—a mercury-containing compound used as a preservative. Despite the lack of scientific evidence showing harm from this component, vaccine manufacturers decided to remove it to prevent fueling the anti-vaccine movement.

A similar situation occurred with the research of Christopher Exley, who suggested that autism might develop due to the aluminum contained in vaccines. During his study, the doctor found increased levels of aluminum in the brains of people with autism and hypothesized that this could be linked to the development of the disorder. However, this theory was debunked, as no comparative studies were conducted with brain tissue samples from healthy individuals, making Exley’s conclusions unsupported.

Why Autistic Children Need Vaccinations

Because ASD is not influenced by vaccination. Numerous studies have shown that a child with ASD is already born with a specific neuronal issue in the brain, and vaccination cannot affect the onset of the disorder (neither accelerating it nor halting it).

Because vaccination is a necessary measure to protect the child. Infectious diseases like whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, and polio can lead to serious complications if the child is not vaccinated. Vaccination protects against these severe consequences.

Because children with ASD and autism have a more sensitive immune system. This is why they need to be vaccinated for protection. However, if the child has special needs, the recommendations of the treating physician should be taken into account to choose the optimal time for immunization.

Correcting Autism Spectrum Disorders with Stem Cells

The Mardaleishvili Medical Center practices an innovative method of correcting autism spectrum disorders in children. The essence of the method involves transplanting stem cells into the bone marrow of a child diagnosed with ASD. Stem cells can be harvested either from the child’s own bone marrow or from preserved umbilical cord blood, if available. If compatible, donor stem cells can be used from a half-sibling. After the transplantation procedure, the child does not require long-term rehabilitation and can be discharged from the hospital within a few days. The effect of the procedure is cumulative and becomes apparent several months after the procedure.

Learn more about autism correction with stem cells from the staff at the medical center.

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