What Is Obvious Autism?
The term “obvious autism” can be found in the speech of many patients and specialists. What does it mean, and how is it different from ordinary autism? This concept refers to a form of autism spectrum disorder; it is “autism” with the apparent, classic symptoms of pathology. These are severe degrees of the disease in most cases, when all the symptoms add up to an unmistakable diagnosis.
In contrast to obvious autism, the term “hidden autism” is also popular in medicine. Accordingly, this is the form of the pathology with minor manifestations. Due to the vague symptoms, it is often difficult to make a diagnosis because a slight delay in general, cognitive, and mental development, insignificant social withdrawal, and specificity of interests can be connected with many other diseases, not just ASD.
Why is it so important to know how autism is expressed, its manifestations, and the development of pathogenesis?
Understanding all the peculiarities in the development of the disease means starting treatment in a timely manner and choosing effective methods of correction. This is the responsibility of both a doctor and a child’s parents because a specialist in a state clinic will offer traditional methods of fighting the pathology.
But in addition to municipal health care institutions, there are also private clinics (especially abroad) that successfully use new, more advanced and effective techniques that help to have a more pronounced therapeutic effect.
So, if there are obvious symptoms and the child’s health is far from the best, it is worth strengthening the classic course of therapy with advanced treatment. It is possible to supplement it and to consolidate the achieved result by alternative rehabilitation: art therapy, diving, neurofitness, water aerobics, and other developmental and strengthening activities.
For now, let’s focus on the main thing.
The symptoms of obvious autism that are characteristic of the disease in many patients include:
- Refusal of tactile contact
- Passivity in communication, even with the closest people
- Individual increased reactions to different irritants
- Indifference to toys
- Anomalies in behaviour
- Seclusion, introversion, etc.
How is autism effectively treated in modern clinics?
Unfortunately, there are no medications, procedures, or brain surgeries for ASD at this time. The best treatment for childhood autism offered by advanced medicine is cell therapy, or transplantation of autologous stem cells. Now it is carried out in large clinics around the world, and the technique has not yet received widespread acknowledgement.
Since cellular treatment for childhood autism spectrum disorder is official and has scientifically proven effectiveness, Russian-speaking patients prefer to undergo it in Georgia, at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre, which has the most affordable prices in Europe and qualified doctors.
Advantages of cellular correction of obvious childhood autism are:
- Changes in the cellular composition of the brain by elimination of pathological areas
- Amplification of the effect of other treatment procedures
- Absolute safety and organic compatibility
- Improved therapeutic effectiveness
Undergo the procedure of stem cell transplantation — resist the disease with maximum efficiency!
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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