Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, abbreviated LGS, is a severe type of epilepsy diagnosed mainly in children and patients with autism. The main symptoms of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in ASD are regular epileptic seizures. They occur suddenly and are difficult to prevent or eliminate because these attacks are caused by uncontrollable bursts of electrical activity in the brain. Autism and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome often combine to cause epileptic encephalopathy.
The three main diagnostic criteria of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome are:
- The presence of several types of refractory epilepsy attacks. Among these are myclonic, atopic/tonic, focal, atypical absence seizure, and tonic-clonic attacks.
- Cognitive and intellectual disorders manifested in combination with behavioural abnormalities. A child loses the ability to learn, becomes uncommunicative, and behaves oddly and unacceptably from typical perception. The child may also often be irritated and restless. These symptoms are not always obvious and frequently develop and worsen with the epileptic seizures.
- Slow, generalised, wave, spike sleep activity that can be recorded with use of an encephalogram between attacks. Usually, peak activity occurs between the ages of 3 to 5 years and can be lifelong.
Treatment of autism spectrum disorder in a child with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Not only medications, but also various conservative measures such as psychotherapy, physiotherapy, dolphin therapy, acupuncture, special developmental training and other treatments are prescribed for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in autism.
To this day, unfortunately, this syndrome in autism is very difficult to correct. Most anticonvulsant medications do not have the expected effect on epileptic seizures. In order to help a patient, a doctor may prescribe several medications as part of clinical polytherapy. The disease is so individual in its manifestations that it is impossible to determine the most effective medications in general. This aggravates both the symptoms and the progression of ASD.
Treatment of autistic children with LGS using stem cells is the chance to most effectively suppress the disease
For many years, the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre has practiced correction of ASD in cases of LGS using a child’s own stem cells, obtained from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. Many experts believe that stem cell therapy method is the most effective because it purposefully eliminates the cause of the disease. This cannot be achieved using other correction techniques, which only address its symptoms.
Thus, almost all stem cells introduced as a suspension into a patient’s spinal cord reach the brain intact and are concentrated in the affected area. Gradually they restore the natural cellular structure of the brain. This produces therapeutic effects:
- Effects of the disease slow down significantly
- Symptoms begin to disappear
- Process of personal development improves.
It is very important that the achieved therapeutic effect can be maintained and improved throughout life by undergoing standard developmental treatment.
Choose of childhood autism correction in case of LGS with stem cells — one of the best methods available today.
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
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