How to Recognise Autism in 4-Year-Old Children
Most doctors agree that it is possible to accurately diagnose a patient with autism during the developmental period that occurs at 3-4 years of age. Early symptoms of the disease are most often mild and deceptive. Leading doctors at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre in Georgia know how to recognise autism in 4-year-old children and begin effective and timely treatment. Early detection and treatment are very important, because the sooner these actions are taken, the greater the probability that a child will be able to lead a full life.
Why exactly are the ages 3-4 years so important?
ASD affects adaptive, mental and behavioural areas. Changes in these behaviours can signal the signs of autism by the ages of 2-3 and 3-4 years old. The first age category is considered early childhood, characterised by a strong connection with parents.
At this stage, disorders of motor, speech and intellectual abilities begin to appear. The age of 3-4 is another turning point, where a child’s perception of their surrounding reality radically changes. A child becomes independent, begins to separate from parents, and perceives the world as a role-playing game. Accordingly, the initial symptoms of ASD seen at 2-3 years old also change.
How to detect autism in a 4-year-old?
Pay attention to the following actions and behaviour patterns of your child:
- They do not imagine scenarios during play;
- They choose household items rather than toys for play;
- They speak in the third person or speak poorly in general;
- They may use made-up words in conversation;
- They may panic in an unfamiliar environment;
- They show an absence of self-preservation.
Reluctance to interact with peers or parents is a very important sign. If the abovementioned behaviours are present at 4 years old, a detailed profile test for autism is prescribed.
Signs of childhood autism at the age of 3-4 years
Symptoms that may have appeared earlier become more evident at this stage. Autistic children are often ruthless, lacking compassion and empathy. They demonstrate attachment to things or have strange hobbies that are uncharacteristic for children of the same age. There may also be also other atypical behaviours:
- Prolonged, monotonous speaking may be replaced by extended periods of silence;
- Absence of curiosity and interest in the world around them;
- Repeated daily ritual actions;
- Negative reaction to sounds, bright lights, or changes in environment;
- Misunderstanding of one’s own self;
- Aggression towards oneself and others;
- Difficulties learning new skills or gaining knowledge;
- Absence of “imitative” behaviour to learn from others;
- Excessive focus on certain types of activity.
How is ASD effectively treated in Georgia?
In this country and in many others with developed medical systems, a minimally invasive procedure is performed to transplant a patient’s own stem cells to correct childhood autism. Such treatment has the highest effectiveness compared to traditional noninvasive methods. Stem cells impact the brain with a powerful regenerative force, eliminating the root cause of the development of the disease.
Get treatment for childhood autism at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — do not waste precious time on conservative methods with little effect!
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