How Can You Recognise Autism at 3 Years Old?
Autism is a complex of several autism spectrum disorders. In the vast majority of cases, it is diagnosed at the age of 3-4 years. There are several groups of signs that help to determine autism in children of this age. Let’s take a look at them.
Social interaction disorder
This is one of the main symptoms which is also characteristic in older patients; but this becomes especially evident when a child goes to kindergarten. Social unacceptability can show itself actively or passively. For example, a child may avoid or show aggression towards their peers.
Unusual playing behaviour
There are playing habits of a 3-year-old that are uncharacteristic for normally developing peers that can also help to identify autism. Some examples are sorting toys by a specific criterion, or playing according to a specific plan without ever breaking the rules. When this behavior is changed, a child becomes anxious or even hysterical.
Intellectual delay and disorder of speech functions
These are additional signs of autism in 3-4 year olds. The vocabulary of autistic people is very poor, so they often use made-up words or shouting, demonstrate inattentiveness, their imagination is not developed, so their actions can be seen as chaotic.
Undeveloped self-preservation instinct
Even if a child has negative experiences from performing certain actions, the child will still try to repeat them. A drive for self-aggression is often observed in autistic 2-3 year-old children.
Perverted perception of oneself in society, poorly developed emotional perception
Autistic children are very selfish; they do not know how to empathise, and they have not developed senses of pity and compassion. Living beings around them are only seen as objects. It is difficult for them to understand why a wall does not react to punches, but a peer begins to cry. They also cannot express their own emotions and feelings.
How to identify autism in 3-year-old boys and girls
Doctors repeatedly observed that the set of symptoms of ASD may differ depending on gender. This is caused by differences in information processing in the brains of females and males. Ana, an experienced doctor with practical experience in treating autistic girls and boys, can identify gender-specific signs of the disease.
Your actions after preliminary self-diagnosis
A detailed examination by specialists is necessary, even when many of the symptoms are evident. It is possible to undergo tests at home, but childhood autism spectrum disorder treatment must be administered in a reliable clinic that uses modern methods. The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is one of these clinics.
Cellular correction of childhood autism is the most effective official treatment method of ASD
All traditional treatment methods are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but goal of cellular therapy is to cure the causes leading to the progress of the disease. This treatment involves the genetic modification of the brain’s cellular composition. Like a “reset to factory settings,” the patient’s stem cells are able to restore the correct structure of the brain to correct the disease, not just treat the symptomst. The Centre provides free online consultations for everyone.
After diagnosis, undergo effective cellular treatment for autism in 3-year-old children — the sooner you do it, the better the results!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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