Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Autism and ADHD


Autism spectrum disorder is a diverse condition that is often accompanied by additional diagnoses. It is generally accepted that autistic children are withdrawn and uncommunicative. However, some children may have a combination of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism at the same time.

These children are not self-contained; they tend to be very active and demand attention. It is often difficult to make a correct diagnosis before the age of 3. The situation becomes clearer later, as a set of signs and subsequent qualified diagnostics can help evaluate the child’s health status.

Common Symptoms of ADHD and ASD:

  • Impulsive behavior, absence of self-control
  • Misunderstanding of the relationship between cause and effect
  • Hyperactivity of varying severity
  • Inattention
  • Inability to plan or complete tasks
  • Problems with relationship-building
  • Speech dysfunctions

ADHD with autistic traits is difficult to diagnose based on symptoms alone. A doctor must perform several tests. Parents are encouraged to conduct a behavioral analysis and pay attention to the following:

Communication Difficulties

Autistic children tend to avoid face-to-face communication or, if they do engage, they may struggle with the skills needed for effective dialogue. They often don’t “feel” other people, and may not understand personal boundaries or the rules of communication.

In contrast, children with ADHD may show communication inconsistencies that are often mistaken for bad manners. These children may interrupt conversations, attract attention in every possible way, or speak impulsively and quickly. They are typically extroverts, in contrast to children with autism.

Delayed Speech Development

Autistic children, except those with Asperger’s syndrome, tend to start talking very late and have little interest in carrying on conversations.

Children with ADHD also experience difficulties with speech. They want to talk but are inattentive, which can give the impression that they simply do not hear the other person. At the same time, they also struggle with concentration.

Attitude Toward Routine

Children with ASD tend to prefer routines in their daily lives. They are more likely to choose the same foods, walk along the same park paths, play with the same toys, or wear the same clothes for extended periods.

In contrast, children with ADHD dislike routine. They enjoy trying new things, visiting new places, sampling different foods, and buying interesting items.

Combination of ADHD and Autism

The combination of ADHD and autism may not be the most severe manifestation of ASD. In some cases, the symptoms can compensate for each other if they overlap slightly. Many children with both conditions may not be overly withdrawn or excessively hyperactive. However, intellectual and speech dysfunctions present a more serious challenge for the future.

How Are Autism and ADHD Treated in Leading Clinics Around the World?

Traditionally, treatment for childhood autism spectrum disorder and ADHD involves conservative methods, including psychological, behavioral, and intellectual correction. While slight improvement in symptoms is possible, they generally do not disappear completely.

At the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre, doctors perform stem cell transplantation to address abnormalities in the brain’s cellular structure. This approach significantly reduces the signs of the disease, with therapeutic effects at least twice as effective as traditional conservative treatment. Stem cell correction of childhood autism targets the brain centers where the pathogenesis develops, offering more substantial improvements.

Consider treating childhood autism with stem cells — they could be your chance to take control of your child’s pathogenesis and behavior!

Autism Treatment Center Videos

Autism treatment with own stem cells

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Autism Treatment Reviews

Autism treatment with own stem cells

The story of Alessandro (6 years old)

Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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