Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

How Do Adults with Autism Live?


The most painful question for parents of autistic children is what the future holds for their children when they grow up and no longer have the support of their parents. Will they be able to live independently or will they require lifelong care? This depends on factors such as the severity of autism, the presence of additional somatic illnesses, and psychiatric diagnoses. The most significant prognostic factor is timely and systematic rehabilitation and the socialization of the child at every stage of development.

Thanks to a comprehensive approach to autism correction, excellent results can be achieved. Around the world, many adults with autism live full independent lives, work, have hobbies and interests, and form families.

Adult Life of an Autistic Person: What to Be Prepared For?

Daily Duties and Self-Care. The most important skills for an adult with autism to live independently. With targeted work, an autistic person can be taught basic self-care skills such as personal hygiene, tidying up, cooking, and caring for their wardrobe.

Socialization. An adult with autism may face significant difficulties in carrying out everyday tasks such as shopping for groceries, using gadgets, paying utility bills, communicating with various services, visiting a clinic, etc.

Work and Career. In many countries, people with autism have the opportunity to build a successful career in fields such as IT, science, and art, as well as to learn specialized professions. A person with autism is often endowed with abilities such as attention to detail, systematic thinking, and creativity, all of which are important in various fields. Despite the possibility of employment, many autistics face difficulties in finding a job or prejudice from employers.

Personal Life. Social interactions can be challenging due to difficulties in interpreting social signals and nuances. However, many adults with autism build strong friendships and romantic relationships.

Hobbies and Interests. Many adults with autism have deep interests or hobbies that play an important role in their lives. These can be both professional activities and hobbies that bring enjoyment and help cope with daily challenges.

Independence and Planning. The level of independence can vary. Some people can independently plan and organize their lives, while others may need help managing everyday tasks and finances.

Psychological Health. Adults with autism may experience higher levels of stress and anxiety. Psychological support and therapy can be helpful in managing these conditions and improving overall quality of life.

How to Help Organize an Autistic Person’s Independent Life?

Systematic ABA therapy, kinesitherapy, and speech therapy from the moment of diagnosis significantly increase the chances of a child leading a full independent life in the future. In addition to daily work with the child, education at school and obtaining basic secondary education will be crucial. To reinforce certain independence skills, attending summer camps for children with autism can be considered. If an autistic person remains withdrawn, non-verbal, and unable to perform social tasks in adulthood, but can handle household tasks, independent living is possible with the constant support of a social worker.

Stem Cell Transplantation – An Important Autism Therapy at an Early Age

Currently, stem cell therapy is a modern and safe way to correct autism and ASD in children, improving cognitive and psychological outcomes. Thousands of children around the world, after undergoing bone marrow transplantation, gain the chance for full education in school and, in the future, obtaining a profession and independent adult life.

Give your child a chance for a full life – learn more about stem cell therapy!

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Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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