Developmental speech delay and its treatment with autologous stem cells


Developmental speech delay is a developmental delay in a child’s verbal skills that results in slurred or absent speech. Various factors can provoke this defect: congenital and acquired. Most often, disorder in the development of the speech center in the brain occurs during prenatal development. Rarely, severe infectious, genetic or viral diseases lead to the disorder.

Prospects for the use of cell therapy in the treatment of developmental speech delay

The technique has been used in our center for a long time and has received recognition by many patients. Its essence is the administration of stem cells into the patient’s body. They are taken from the patient’s bone marrow or umbilical cord blood, if it has been stored in a cryobank. Cells can also be used from the umbilical cord blood of a brother or sister, if the parameters of the donor and recipient are compatible by at least 50%.

The advantage of this therapy over conservative methods is that it works faster and more thoroughly, since it repairs damaged neural cells in the brain, which is impossible with other methods. That is why cell therapy is so popular.

After the introduction of stem cells, the child starts to:

  • Speak and form coherent sentences;
  • Perceive and memorize new information;
  • Adapt to society.

Most doctors believe that stem cell treatments should definitely be part of basic protocols for the treatment of developmental speech delay so that the child does not waste a lot of time going through numerous procedures and sessions with specialists. Their effectiveness is much higher after the administration of stem cells, and improvement occurs in the vast majority of cases.
