Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Doctor for autistic child is a specialist who will prepare an effective treatment protocol

He/she will take into account the individual disease pathogenesis and health conditions of the patient. Thus, the treatment plan will be effective, suitable for the patient’s health needs, and will help the child achieve their full future potential.

A psychiatrist or psychotherapist specializing in ASD diagnosis and treatment will be the autistic child’s primary doctor. However, in this case, one specialist is not enough. Speech therapists, neurologists, geneticists, and physiotherapists will also implement the treatment programme prepared by the psychotherapist.

In the world’s leading clinics, including the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre, therapeutic protocols are prepared individually for each patient. This allows optimal restoration of the patient’s health.

Advantages of attending Mardaleishvili Medical Centre:

  • Provides a qualified team of doctors from all specialties necessary for effective autism treatment
  • Specialists undergo regular retraining and refresher courses to acquire new techniques in ASD therapy
  • Implementation of innovative and experimental methods approved by the International Health Organization
  • High effectiveness, confirmed by thousands of successful procedures and feedback from former patients
  • Attentive patient care and personalized approach

Teams of medical specialists are needed because autism has an extensive symptom pattern. The main symptoms of the disorder are mental retardation, speech dysfunction, appetite disorder, tactlessness, aggressive and antisocial behavior, abnormal movement coordination, and impaired fine motor skills.

Such an extensive list of symptoms requires multidisciplinary approaches for comprehensive treatment. Consiliums of doctors establish links between the symptoms and decide together what methods should be used in each individual case.

A qualified doctor for an autistic child is a specialist who can prescribe innovative treatment procedures

Doctors must have sufficient experience and training to make a clear, detailed diagnosis of the patient’s genetic condition and, based on those findings, prescribe an effective therapeutic programme.

Among the effective treatments used by doctors, stem cell therapy is of particular importance. It allows treatment of the disease’s cause at a cellular level in the brain’s structure, considerably reducing its pathogenesis and the typical autistic symptoms that prevent a child from being “like everyone else”.

The advantages of this method:

  • Natural, essential regeneration
  • Correction of brain cell structure
  • Positive effects on the entire body

The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre has such a team of qualified doctors. Their professionalism has been proven by the thousands of patients who have undergone successful treatment at our clinic. The treatment process is based on the most advanced methods, achieving remarkable results. Book a consultation now to avoid a delay in your child’s treatment.

Contact Mardaleishvili Medical Centre. A doctor experienced in autistic children will help manage the difficult disease and bring your child closer to achieving their dream potential.

Autism Treatment Center Videos

Autism treatment with own stem cells

Cord blood association congress

International Quality Crown

Autism Treatment Reviews

Autism treatment with own stem cells

The story of Alessandro (6 years old)

Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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