Difficulties in Communication with an Autistic Person
Autistic people think and perceive the world around them differently from everyone else. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are often egocentric and seem to exist in their own world, where they feel comfortable, but outside of it, their ability to communicate and interact successfully with others is limited. They may have difficulties developing language skills and understanding what others are saying to them. They also often face challenges with non-verbal communication—using gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions.
The most common communication problems with autistic individuals, especially at a young age, include the following:
- Repeating Words or Phrases. These individuals may speak nonsense or phrases that are unrelated to the conversation. For example, they might repeatedly count from one to five during a conversation unrelated to numbers, or repeat what they hear on TV shows or in advertisements. Echolalia, the repetition of what has been heard, is also common, where, for instance, an autistic person responds to a question by asking the same question. Autistic people are also inclined to use standard phrases to start a conversation, such as saying their name, even when addressing friends or family members.
- Narrow Interests Even with Exceptional Abilities. Some children may deliver a lengthy monologue on a topic that interests them, even if they cannot hold a conversation on any other subject. About 10% of children with ASD demonstrate “scientific” skills or extraordinary abilities in specific areas such as memory, calendar calculations, music, or mathematics.
- Uneven Speech Development. Many children with ASD develop certain speech and language skills, but not to a normal level, and their progress is typically uneven. Some children under the age of five may be able to read but do not understand the meaning of the words. They often do not respond to others’ speech and may not respond to their own names.
- Poor Non-Verbal Communication Skills. Autistic individuals often cannot use gestures to give meaning to their speech and avoid eye contact, which can make them seem uninterested or inattentive. As a result, they lose one of the ways to express their feelings, thoughts, and needs and compensate for it with outbursts of anger or inappropriate behavior.
These children are usually referred to various specialists, including speech therapists. An early-start treatment program that takes the child’s interests into account should focus on correcting behavior and developing communication skills, as well as regularly reinforcing positive actions.
Most young autistic children respond well to highly structured specialized programs, but stem cell therapy is even more effective. It involves transplanting the patient’s own stem cells, which, when they reach the brain, replace the abnormal cells and thus treat the cause of the disorder, rather than just its symptoms. This modern, safe, and reliable method is practiced at the Mardaleishvili Medical Center.
Undergo stem cell therapy to make your communication with your child full and meaningful!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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Feedback from Abibe, Selim’s mother (7 years old) Read More